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  • Inclusive Future Editorial Board

Inclusive Future Magazine: A Peek Into The Bigger Vision

Updated: May 24

Mockup of the cover of Inclusve Future Magazine, Issue one. The cover illustration by Liasis_D is bordered by dark gray. Title: Inclusive Future Magazine. Subtitle: Issue 1: Visions from a Gender Inclusive-Future. 2068. Cover Illustration: In the foreground: four figures of various races, gender presentations, and ability. In the background: a mutli-colored fire explodes to the right from a neon diamond.
Cover mockup for Inclusive Future Magazine, Issue 1: Visions from a Gender-Inclusive Future

We chose the theme of the first issue of Inclusive Future Magazine, Visions from a Gender-Inclusive Future because the three of us are non-binary and can speak from personal experience about what it feels like to live in a society that excludes us from the narrative of daily realities. But our vision for Inclusive Future Magazine does not stop at a gender-inclusive future. Should this venture be successful, we have Big Plans.

We want to publish more issues, each one taking on a different justice theme, and each one edited by paid guest editors from marginalized communities appropriate to the theme. Themes like:

Three nested circles: blue on the outside, dark green in the middle, light green on the inside.
Inclusive Future Magazine logo

  • Racial and ethnic justice

  • Disability and accessibility

  • Neurodiversity

  • Economic justice

  • Transformative justice systems

  • Environmental justice

For future issues, guest editors will come up with the subtitle, write the calls for submissions, and choose the cover art and the anthology’s content. As the Editorial Board, our role in the production of future issues will be a purely facilitative one, helping behind the scenes as directed by the guest editors so they can focus on the theme and content of their anthology.

And when we allow ourselves to Dream Really Big, after several years of publishing themed issues, we imagine combining them all into one collection as a way of providing a more holistic and complex vision for an inclusive, just future.

This is why, when you back Inclusive Future Magazine, on Kickstarter, you’re not just saying you want to know what a world inclusive of genders outside the binary looks like, you’re also saying you want to know what an inclusive, just world for everyone looks like.

- The Editorial Team of Inclusive Future Magazine


EDITS: May 23, 2024

Updated the Kickstarter link: When this blog post was originally posted, we were running a Kickstarter to raise funds to produce the magazine. We are getting ready to run a second Kickstarter to take pre-orders.


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